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Image Credit: HKFYG Leadership Institute

Urban Study Lab: Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok Regeneration

合作伙伴: 香港青年協會領袖學院
Collaborator: HKFYG Leadership Institute


市區更新不只是重新建造建築物,也是重塑社區關係、城市人文景觀的過程。在當時、當地、當下的人所建構的獨特油旺文化,會在市區重建中換上什麼面貌呢? 如何在更新都市同時保存獨有文化呢? 「城市研究室」是一場城市規劃和設計與社區發展的互動反思。


The Urban Renewal Authority (“URA”) submitted a blueprint for a district-wide redevelopment for Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok in September 2021. How would the youth see this district with diverse street characters, tightly knitted social relationships and rich collective memories? What insights and suggestions will they have on the vision of urban regeneration?

Urban regeneration is more than just bulldozing and rebuilding; it is a reconfiguration of communal relationship and urban culture . What is the impact of urban renewal on the unique cultures of Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok? Is it possible to conserve these cultures during urban regeneration? The Urban Study Lab is a reflection on urban planning, design and community development.

2 Square Metres was invited by the HKFYG Leadership Institute to lead a 4-session workshops between November and December 2021. We introduced to current students and graduates of the "Hong Kong 200" Leadership Project concepts of urban design. We went through site observations, community mapping, and creation of urban prototypes. Students also presented the proposals to URA Board Member and District Planning Officer.

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