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One day we walk together separately


合作伙伴 Collaborator: Fabian Gutscher, Jiaru Wu

展覽策展人 Exhibition Curator: Sara Wong

彩色有聲單頻錄像, 書本 Single channel video with colour and sound, books, 2018

Walk 1. _blank – 8’15’’  |  Walk 2. Bizarre – 9’42’’  |  Walk 3. Solid – 10’16’’  |  Walk 4. Mindful – 9’45’’








我們步伐一致,帶着某個語義上似乎對等的概念,有意識地各自走進能夠呈現這個概念的空間。那些收集到的視覺訊息和空間脈絡,那些各自的內在地境,會否有某種意念上或是物質上的同步? 會否偶爾間建構出人與人之間不經意的聯繫?




第一次我們沒有設定框架,那純粹是同步行、同步停下拍照記錄的實驗。 後來每次步行前一天,我們輪流選定一個形容詞。大家用一天時間去思考這個字,為自己選出一條能夠體驗這個概念的路線,但不告知對方我們將會到哪裏。


步行過程中我們沒有交談,但我們嘗試去同步。 首兩次步行我們步伐一致,後來兩次我們決定在同一小時內用自己的速度去探索這個形容詞。 我們對這個字的理解、我們的感知、以及對方步伐的聲音帶領着我們的動作和思想。每次步行之後,我們未知對方的所思所想,各自寫下一段文字。


這件作品呈現了我們的實時影像和文字記錄。 我們對環境的視覺感知並列在一起, 我們對時間的觀念時而同步、時而交錯。 我們的獨白組成偶爾的對話。



作品於油街實現 火花!城市行者日記 展出。

Artist Statement

At the same pace we walk. We travel in our own external worlds and translate our individual experiences into a pre-invented word. Are we synchronized?


Walking is a democratic form of mobility accessible and performed daily by a majority. It is a medium to activate a space, for a space is of single dimension until one manoeuvres through it. When a space is created in a landscape architectural sense, it is largely through analytical thinking and conscious choice of lines, forms, materials and objects. A concept or an experience is injected as a design intent. Conceptualisation of the space exists only in the designer's mind. However, when one enters into the space, one's own experience constitutes an understanding and interpretation of this space. Its existence is enacted by these perceptions as an internal landscape. It is reinvented.


Walking is a sequential movement to experience a space. It is unconscious, be it an act of crossing through or wandering within a space. It is not until the moment when a certain spatial arrangement, a sensual stimulation or an unexpected encounter catches one’s attention that a perception of the external environment is imprinted into one’s mind. One selectively captures these fragments of reality. When these fragments are intuitively organized into one’s internal frameworks of the external world, the space is conceptualized.


At the same pace we walk. With presumably the same linguistic understanding of an adjective, we consciously wander into a space which entails this concept. Would the visual information and spatial fabric we gather in our own internal landscape exhibit a conceptual or material synchronization? Would this act of walking in relation to our internal landscape create a coincidental human connection?

Works Methodology

Two in Hong Kong. One in Switzerland. This is a collaboration between three of us. I have never met Fabian. We chatted a few times. I met Jiaru once, briefly. We chose 4 days, - 4 different time of the day-, and walked together separately for an hour with Synchronizer. We set no framework for our first walk. It was an experiment on walking, stopping and taking photographic records at the same pace. For the next three walks, one of us announced an adjective a day ahead. We thought about the adjective; we thought of a route with experience that fitted. We did not tell each other where we chose to walk.


During the walk we did not talk. We attempted to synchronize our movements to the exact minute in the first two walks, and decided to explore under the same adjectives at our own pace within the same hour for the last two walks. Our interpretations of the adjectives, our perceptions, and sound of each others’ footsteps led our movements and thoughts. We wrote after each walk without knowing the others’ thoughts.


In this work, our photographic records were compiled to the exact minute accompanied by the texts we wrote. When our individual perceptions of the surroundings are placed side-by-side, and when our sense of time are moving in and out of sync, our monologues transform into coincidental dialogues.



This work was exhibited in Sparkle! Journal of a City Foot Soldier in Oi!. 

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