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Service Design for Leisure Services Booking and Information System and Leisure Venues

合作伙伴: 好單位, 康樂及文化事務署

Collaborator: The Good Lab, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

康樂及文化事務署(康文署)負責統籌全港所有公共康體設施,並為市民籌辦康體活動。「康體通」預訂系統投入服務至今超過二十年,在功能和介面設計方面,逐漸未能滿足現今用家的需求。不少市民甚至反映難以預訂運動場地,用戶體驗有待提升。有見及此,是次計劃旨在深入了解用家的「痛點」,然後再解決過程中製造跨界設計的空間,將跨界協作帶進公共服務創新的領域。 通過市民、專業人士及政府之間的協作,我們希望可以共創一個嶄新的系統和各式康體場地,打造與時並進、符合市民需求的公共服務。

此項目由好單位負責, 2 Square Metres為場地設計顧問, 負責策劃場地共創工作坊, 並將持份者的意見轉化成實體原型和試驗版面,讓用家試用,收集改善建議。

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) manages all of Hong Kong’s public leisure facilities and organises recreational activities for members of the community. In place for more than two decades, its online booking system, Leisure Link System, has been found to be unable to cope with increasing demand in terms of both functions and capacity. User experience is also proven to be unpleasant, with a significant portion of citizens often failing to secure space to play sports. Hence, this project was initiated to better understand users’ pain points and create room for a cross-sector design process. It allows the government, citizens as well as professionals to co-create a new system and leisure venues that would stand the test of time as relevant social infrastructure.

This project is led by The Good Lab. 2 Square Metres is the consultant for designing smart venue co-design workshop and developing full-scale prototypes from consolidated stakeholders’ inputs for trial sessions with real-life stimulation.

@Photo credit: The Good Lab

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