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坊|灶|堂 – 荔枝窩鄉村花園
Lai Chi Wo Village Gardens

Client: The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation

項目開初時讀到《荔誌 : 「永續荔枝窩」四年回顧及展望》一書,其中一句特別深刻:荔枝窩「人不在而屋在」的獨特景象,反映了無可比擬的「人和」。這個文化地境成為復興荔枝窩的重要資源。多年過後,荔枝窩有各樣的復育嘗試,原居民回來、新居民遷入。今次微型的園境項目能否延續鄉村復興、體驗教育、自然共生等願景?我們由三間已半倒塌的客家屋開始,經歷一年時間,訪談、落田 (揀「植物」)、爛屋尋寶 (搞「藝術」)、尋找木樑大石升級再用、踩泥磚、種植等,三間半倒塌的屋慢慢轉化為村民的社區空間。屋已不在,而人在。

Lai Chi Wo village is one of the largest and best-preserved Hakka wall in the Sha Tau Kok area established over 300 years ago, but similar to many other rural villages in Hong Kong, it experienced significant population decline since the 50s. While there have been recent revitalization efforts - indigenous and non-indigenous residents are moving back into Lai Chi Wo-, there are still a number of seriously deteriorated houses in the village. We take the concept of 從 「人不在而屋在」 到 「屋不在而人在」and convert 3 crumbling house lots into village communal spaces, hoping to serve as a catalyst for ongoing cultural rejuvenation.

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