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Proposal for City Dress-up Public Art Competition


合作伙伴 Collaborator: Fai Au, Gavin Scott Coates & Yung Chung Kwong



" 海濱遊園" 將童真、活力、想像、回憶帶到了中環海濱。藝 術品的整體形式靈感來源於洋紫荊,象徵著匯萃、突變與盛放。 其動感形態不僅限於視覺上的吸引,更鼓勵人們的身體跳躍、舞 動,搖盪。形態獨特的鞦韆框起了我們的城市,成為了一道景窗, 架起了築夢的通道...

City Swing

She is the Bauhinia blossoming at the Central Harbourfront;
She evokes our innocence and imagination;
She frames our impression on the city.

"Harbour Playscape" brings innocence, energy, imagination and memory to the Central Harbourfront. Inspired by a Bauhinia, this artwork symbolizes a unique hybrid, a process of mutation and a year-round blossom. Its dynamic form does not only attract one's eyes, but also encourage the jumping, dancing, and swinging of human bodies. With it's unique shape, the swing frames our city, forms a picture window, establishes a channel for dreams...

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